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Whether it'
Essential Heating & Air provides a full range of services, whether it's a smart communicating unit or a simple comfort system, EHA can help and do it well! Selecting the right installer is very important. If your new heating or cooling system is installed incorrectly, it will not function at its expected efficiency level! As a result, you end up spending more money. Inaccurate installation can cause stress on the system, ultimately leading to frequent repairs and early system breakdown.
Often, units fail prematurely as a result of improper installation. Customers can buy any system, but if the high and low voltage wiring, fuse sizes, gas and static air pressures, blower settings, gas piping, intake air, exhaust system, a precision refrigerant charge, airflow, water drainage, thermostats and other items aren’t installed correctly, you’ll find your new system not lasting nearly as long as it could have. The difference can be a system lasting anywhere from 10 years verses lasting 20 years.

Price vs. Value
Inexpensive does not translate into value.
Value means "is it worth the money you're spending?"
Essential Heating & Air offers value to our customers.
Inexpensive pricing could lead to poor service. This could end up costing you much more later.
Inexpensive pricing could lead to lack of service when you need it.
EHA offers good value, excellent service and customer care when you need it.
Many factors come into play when deciding on replacing your furnace or air conditioner. EHA allows our customers to be an informed consumer by ensuring you are making the right choice and getting the right fit for your family and home.
EHA will ensure your unit is properly sized for your home; if it’s too small or big, it won’t work efficiently.
Efficiency is a crucial component that contributes to the initial cost of the unit, as well as operating costs over the course of its service life.